We are two episodes in and I cannot figure Justified out. After episode one, I wondered how the writers would squeeze an entire season out of Raylan's feud with Boyd and the white-supremacists. Well now it seems like they aren't even going to bother to try to squeeze a whole season's worth of material out of any one plot-line. The evidence now points towards Justified employing an "episodic" plot structure (think Law and Order) in which Raylan and company take on a different fugitive each week and wrap everything up neatly in a bow by the time the ending credits roll (as opposed to a "serialized" approach in which each episode builds off the next). If that is the case, it would be a bit of a mixed blessing. On the positive side, I wouldn't really have to watch the show each week to be able to follow it. On the other hand, shows that use an entire season to develop a overarching plot tend, to me at least, to be infinitely more gratifying.
The episode starts with Raylan visiting Boyd in a prison hospital as he recovers from the gun-shot wound Raylan left him with at the end of the pilot. Sounds strong so far, right? Well unfortunately this is the last we see of Boyd for the remainder of the episode. We are also only given single scene with Ava on screen. Raylan's ex is completely absent What gives? The writers set up these story lines in the first episode and completely abandon them in favor of generic cop-show fare.
Any thoughts?
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