I am generally a very "live and let live" kind of a guy. I am not a reactionary, easily offended, P.C. moron. I believe that words are just words, not weapons. But sometimes someone says something that is completely unforgivable. And if that person happens to be Mel Gibson, he says multiple things that are unforgivable.I have not watched a single Mel Gibson movie since he made those comments about Jews a couple of years back and I have vowed to never watch one again (this hasn't been difficult considering the handful of shitty projects he has made recently).
I believe wholeheartedly in the fist amendment and I don't think Mel should be punished legally or even have to apologize for those, or any other, remarks. He is the right to say whatever pops into his whacked out brain. However, I have the right to vote with my wallet and never give the man another one of my dollars.
As I'm sure you have heard, there is a new audio recording of Gibson circulating the web.
Click here to take a listen.
Fuck you Mel Gibson. I hope the domestic violence allegations are true and you get sent to the poke. I'm sure the inmates will love your racist tirades, hack.
Call me a fag all you want, but I have always contended (and still vehemently contend) that Braveheart isn't even that great.