Saturday, June 12, 2010


We at ThatUnfreshFeeling are proud to announce that this blog will now be carried on To access my page on the Examiner website click here.

This is very big news for me personally, as this is the first time any legitimate publication has shown any interest in this site or its material. I want to thank everyone who visits ThatUnfreshFeeling for helping me make this happen. All of your support is very greatly appreciated.

Now that I have been provided the opportunity of a larger platform, I will need your help more than ever. Here are a few little things you can do help me:

- Visit my page on and click the "Subscribe" button. You will get an email each time something new is posted.

- Tell a friend. I have bosses and shit now, so the more people who read my articles the less likely it is that my editors will think I'm a hack. Use facebook, twitter, tag the URL on a bathroom stall, I don't care. Just help me get the word out.

- Comment on the articles. My goal is to get actual conversations started about the specific shows in the comments section of my page. Post a comment, any comment. If you want to disagree with a review or tell me about a new show you have or just call me an ass-hole, please do.

- Make my page your homepage. I know this is a lot to ask, but if I got a hit each time you opened your browser, that would go a very long way.

Please don't stop visiting ThatUnfreshFeeling. I will continue to post everything I write on here along with some stuff I can't get away with posting on (they have editorial standards, I don't). Thanks again for all of the support!

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