Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sons of Anarchy is Back!

I know I did quite a bit of hating last week, but the show more than redeemed itself with this week’s episode. This episode reminded me why I really like Sons of Anarchy. Here are some thoughts:

We found out that the Irish member of SAMCRO is named Chips (or maybe it is Chibs, I’m not really sure.) I like it when they give the more peripheral characters some face time on camera, even if they are just being blown up with a car-bomb. I would like to see more of the Prospect, he has kind of fallen by the wayside in this season. He was always good for a little comic relief (his character reminded me a little of the bartender at the Bing that Tony was always smashing over the head with telephone receiver).

There are some interesting relationship dynamics that have been developing:

Jemma/Tara – This relationship is fast become the most entertaining on the show. I like this duo much more as allies than I did when they were adversaries. The “fire arm incident”, as Jax referred to it, was the best scene of the episode by far. Jemma’s and Tara’s faces were priceless as they lit up the porn star’s car. Has anyone else noticed that for a doctor, Tara seems to have an awful lot of free time to hang out at the club house?

Jax/Clay – These two have been on a collision course since last season. Clay’s expression as he was put into the paddy wagon said it all. Pure hatred.

Jax/Opie – These two friends have found themselves on opposite sides of the Jax/Clay fued. Jax’s double-entendre about “losing his best friend” was corny, but telling. How long until Jax is forced to come clean to Opie about the truth of his wife’s killing?

Jax/Bobby – As Clay’s consigliere of sorts, it has been somewhat surprising that he has taken Jax’s side in the voting as of late. These two could be a formidable duo if Clay was to be removed from the picture. By the way, how desperate and pathetic did Clay come off when he trashed the cigar shop? He used to be cold and calculating, but this season he has fallen into trap after trap set by the Nazis.

Jax/Hale - What kind of cop allows a biker-gang member to accompany him (gun drawn) on patrol with him?

Lastly, did anyone stick around for the preview of next week’s prison episode? How badass does that look? People getting shanked in the yard, Jax and Clay going head to head…count me in!