So, it appears that SAMCRO is being attacked on at least two fronts, possibly three, now. First it was just the Nazi’s, now porn-gangster Tom Arnold and maybe even the Mayans want in on the action. It is not clear how SAMCRO will be able to survive, particularly given the ever-widening schism between Jax and Clay. It seems like Sons of Anarchy is at a crossroads in terms of the direction and tone the show will take. Will SAMCRO continue to be live-action comic book characters who ride motorcycles, shoot (and sell) guns, wear cool costumes and always triumph in the end or will the writers give in to some of their darker impulses (like Jemma's gang-rape) and take the show in a more Sopranos/Wire-esque direction, one where your favorite characters die. Or go to jail. Only to reappear in a later season. I'm torn on which direction I would prefer. The show could work either way, I would just hope that if they chose the latter route they would find a few more actors that don't suck for some of smaller roles.
Jemma and Tara had a nice honeymoon period that lasted a few episodes, but it appears that their relationship is beginning to show signs of strain. Tara is still oblivious to the fact that it is impossible for her to be a SAMCRO “old lady” while at the same time maintaining her status as a respected physician and upstanding citizen. Jemma’s conversation with Tara’s boss and the subsequent reprimand she receives are proof of this reality. It is only a matter of time until she is forced to make a choice between the man she loves and the job she has worked her entire life for. Let's hope she chooses the dude.
Luckily for SAMCRO, the Aryan power couple, Zobelle and Henry Rollins, seems to be developing a rift. Rollins screwed up a gun delivery that ended up in a firefight. (How could no one have been at least grazed? Horrible aim on both sides.) This scene didn’t really sit right with me though. How could Zobelle, who up until this point has been razor sharp with the precision of his actions, plan a massive gun delivery so poorly? By the way, who was that third Nazi who sort of took Henry Rollins down a peg? That guy is the worst actor ever. Soupy Sales could have put more life into those lines. (Cue High-hat)
What is up with this Sonia character (Chibs’ wife). Who is she? And why is Jemma so scared of her? This season has really picked up the pace. I wonder how much they are planning to squeeze into the end of this season and how much they will carry over to season 3.
Oh yeah, and that creep who jacks off constantly is back. Only this time even weirder (Save both pointers, all of his fingers, have been removed by Chinese gangsters as a remedy for the constant jacking off) and more annoying. Great...
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